hi. we welcome you to ttdown. ttdown is short for tiktok download. and so we help users download their favorite tiktok videos. tiktok is also known as douyin, and so we can also help you download douyin videos. we are not sure if musical.ly is still relevant, but this was another name for tiktok. you don't know what tiktok is? click here to meet the wonderful world of very short homemade mobile videos.. otherwise, here's a quick look on how to download tiktok videos and convert tiktok to mp3 in just a few easy steps. no special software is needed, all work is done in this very browser.
so now you can see, - it is very easy to use ttdown to download videos from tiktok. if you reach the video download page (huray, you did it), you will also see the tiktok to mp3 converter button right there. click it if you want to convert tiktok video to mp3. and give it a few seconds. we need to download the whole video, extract audio from tiktok video, convert it to mp3... if mp3 is not what you want - do not go there. that'll be the 5th step.. if needed.. watch out, some browsers may just save video as download.mp4. such files will need to be renamed, or you may forget what they were about..
tiktok doesn't have an official search api yet, so we cannot do an automated suggestive search. and you will need to get the tiktok video link before we can begin tiktok download.
video link is something that shows up in browser address bar, it's a unique page where this and only this video can be found. all internet resources, videos and songs have their own
links, so that all people could access them from anywhere.. more confused than were? 🤣🤣 it's ok. just remember, to easily get the video link, you should first open that video.
if you feel like link copying is too much, try our browser addon below..
so now you've found the video link and copied it into clipboard. great! navigate to ttdown.org, and...
well, it's not really an addon, but a simple bookmarklet. it is basically a bookmark with a little bit of javascript code attached to it. it will send you here to ttdown.org when you press it, and it will also grab the video link from the page you are on.. drag this link download from tiktok into your browser's bookmarks. later when watching a video on tiktok, hit this bookmark - and you will see what we are talking about.. with this bookmark shortcut addon you will not need to copy-paste the video link. one thing is bookmarklets are hard to use on mobile. but it is still possible to do. just search the web for "[browser_name] mobile how to use bookmarklet".
any browser, whether mobile or desktop version, has its own downloads section. every video you download from tiktok can be accessed via that section. desktop users can quickly open it by pressing CTRL+J in most browsers. you can also locate browser menu button that recently looks more and more like this , - downloads section will be in that menu. usually it will be impossible to change filenames when accessed this way, so to rename downloaded files you'd need a file browser, like windows file explorer, for example. or a standalone android app.. that's why it is very useful to type in a distinct filename right away when saving the video fro the first time...
it is usually a preference of your own.. i mean, if you are downloading the video from tiktok, you probably are quite familiar with how to watch it, right? well, if not, we would recommend getting some media player. again, if you want one that has both mobile and desktop versions on all of platforms and operational systems, - try VLC, it's simply amazing.. maybe not with 4k HD videos, but of course there won't be this high video quality on tiktok for a while, so VLC is quite amazing.. try it out.
we do not know why you would want to download videos from tiktok.. everyone has their own reasons. we are a group of tiktok enthusiasts that also happen to try and make it on other sites and social networks with video angle.. places like facebook, youtube or twitter, and pretty much any other self-respecting service these days, now do video, right? so we just want to spread our tiktok video influence into other places. so we download our own tiktok videos, and upload them to other networks to see how they will perform, what are the principal audience differences, etc.. millions of tiktok followers should be able to convert in a few hundred thousand youtube subscribers, right? so we trying.. and so we made this site, - for easy video downloads from tiktok. we can also convert tiktok to mp3, in case you want to extract that sweet tune from someone's tiktok video.
musical.ly links now redirect to tiktok, but if you still have something and want to download musical.ly videos or mp3 music - you can bring them here. same for douyin links, but we are not sure how that app works.. to download video or audio from musical.ly, you can either open link in browser and see it redirect to tiktok and then bring that new link here. or you can simply enter musical.ly link into the white box above, and let us take it away.. and give you download link, same as tiktok process..
we will always try to offer easy mp3 download links for all tiktok videos. sometimes it maybe an m4a link, so.. get VLC.. =) most media players can play m4a now, since it is an integral part of mp4..
talking about yourself is hard, if you are modest and all around simple people like us. and so we will talk about ourselves, even that kinda pains us.. really.. no, of course not. this is about ttdown.org - a website we've brought to life with 1 vision in mind - easy tiktok video download on platforms and systems where built-in tools won't allow it or app isn't possible, or for any other reasons tiktok video download needs to happen - we are here, waiting to help. we can also offer mp3 version of the video, which is not a feature in the app or on any website out there, so we are proud of that too. 😎 but of course we really hope you like our service and tell your friends about us.. tiktok is becoming one of the best video sharing apps, some users have millions of followers, so yeah, time to get on this train to happy video land.
we are a group of video enthusiasts, and tiktok lovers in general, that are trying to liberate video materials around the world, mostly online, of course, we don't do anything past online activities, so we are more of pacifists.. 🌏😍😻💚💛💜 no matter, we do like to liberate the video feeds and let them roam free around the world in people's devices, computers, phones..
we are always happy to hear from users, satisfied or upset alike.
for general info and technical questions - @info.